Real Estate

Skywire Products and Services are designed to provide our customers the very best in network connectivity.

Our customers work, play and live in residential and commercial real estate. While we serve our customers’ needs, we know the importance a great relationship means in strengthening your property. Working with building owners, property managers, superintendents and tenants we ensure state of the art infrastructure with limited disruption to maximize tenant experience.


Own or Manage a Residential Building?

Become part of the solution by offering higher quality, affordable Internet, Voice, WiFi and Mobile Services to your tenants. Leverage our comprehensive residential suite of services to attract and retain tenants contemplating their next move. Bring programs such as Lifeline to your tenants’ doorsteps so they can leverage savings available to them.

  • Retention & Satisfaction
  • Limited Disruption Non-Invasive
  • Revenue Share
  • Services for Common Spaces and Live-in Superintendents
  • Various Partnership Opportunities

Own or Manage a Commercial Building?

In a hybrid world, network connectivity can set your location apart. Partnering with Skywire helps accomplish this by bringing high quality Enterprise Products and Services to attract and retain tenants. Our approach is to form direct relationships with Property Managers and Owners so we can optimize infrastructure and tenant experience. See how our Engineering Team can better position your building to meet the business needs of today and what’s to come.

  • Retention & Satisfaction
  • Limited Disruption Non-Invasive
  • Revenue Share
  • Services for Common Spaces and Management Offices
  • Various Partnership Opportunities